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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

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Date : 2003-06-15

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IRA Wealth Revolutionary IRA Strategies for Real Estate ~ About the Author Patrick W Rice is the owner of IRA Resource Associates a firm that offers expertise in investment real estate for selfdirected retirement accounts A member of the National Council of Exchangors First Oregon NCE and Real Estate Marketing Group of Oregon Rice is also an investment columnist for American City Business Journals

IRA Wealth Second Edition Revolutionary IRA Strategies ~ Few people knew that there was a viablealternative that offered both safety and growth That alternative is real estate In IRA Wealth investment expert Patrick W Rice first teaches you how to turn your IRA into a selfdirected account and then details the many ways in which real estate products can make you rich

IRA Wealth Revolutionary IRA Strategies for Real Estate ~ IRA Wealth Revolutionary IRA Strategies for Real Estate Investment For decades banks and brokerage houses effectively convinced us that IRA holdings could be invested only in stocks and CDs Few people knew that there was a viable alternative that offered both safety and growth That alternative is real estate

IRA Wealth Revolutionary IRA Strategies for Real Estate ~ IRA Wealth Revolutionary Strategies For Real Estate Investment is the collaborative effort of Patrick W Rice investment columnist and the owner of IRA Resource Associates offering expertise in investment real estate for selfdirected retirement accounts and Jennifer Dirks personal finance and real estate issues staff and winner of the Small Business Administrations 2002 Journalist of the Year award for the Pacific Northwest diverges sharply from the common understanding

IRA Wealth Revolutionary IRA Strategies Profit Advisors ~ When the interest paid by banks and for bonds is low and the stock market seems like an iffy place to park your retirement funds its worthwhile studying this book to consider your alternatives Buy it on Amazon IRA Wealth Revolutionary IRA Strategies for Real Estate Investment

IRA wealth revolutionary IRA strategies for real estate ~ IRA wealth revolutionary IRA strategies for real estate investment Patrick W Rice Jennifer Dirks For nearly 20 years IRA investment expert Rice has taught thousands his revolutionary strategies for using an IRA to create wealth based on real estate

Ira Wealth Revolutionary Rice Patrick W ~ For over ten years IRA investment expert Patrick W Rice has taught thousands of men and women his revolutionary strategies for using an IRA account to create wealth based upon real estate In his new book Mr Rice shares these moneymaking strategies with you

Real estate and selfdirected IRAs Bankrate ~ Patrick Rice owner of one such company IRA Resource Associates and author of “IRA Wealth Revolutionary IRA Strategies for Real Estate Investment” says his company manages between 50 million and 60 million in IRA assets up from approximately 2 million in 2000

Rethinking stocks Put land in a realestate IRA for ~ A very useful primer is Patrick W Rice’s IRA Wealth Revolutionary IRA Strategies for Real Estate Investment 2nd ed Square One 2007 1795 Rice helps clients find investments and matches them with custodians Realestate IRA custodians can be found through an Internet search

Real Estate IRA Self Directed IRA Real Estate IRAR Trust ~ A real estate IRA is a selfdirected retirement account Traditional Roth SEP SIMPLE that you can use to hold real estate as an investment With a truly selfdirected real estate IRA you can invest in assets such as residential properties commercial real estate mortgage notes raw land mobile homes and more


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